Cooperation agreement with the University of Physical Education

During the meeting of the Council of the Tourism and Recreation Department of the Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, a cooperation agreement was signed between SITE Poland and the Tourism and Recreation department.

The main assumptions of the agreement include:

– Raising qualifications and acquiring knowledge and new skills by organizing various forms of training and further training (e.g. courses, post-graduate studies, workshops) for students and employees of the tourism industry.

– Joint organization of national and international scientific conferences as well as industry meetings and events.

– Inviting representatives of the tourism industry to give lectures to students and employees of WTiR.

– Enabling the implementation of apprenticeships by WTiR students in companies – members of the Association.

– Supporting the idea of ​​student volunteering when organizing SITE Poland events.

– Exchange of experience in the field of work in various fields of activity of both Partners (organizational, scientific, didactic, business, cultural, sports and other).

The board of SITE Poland hopes that this agreement will result in many joint initiatives supporting student development in both academic and professional terms.

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