Poland is becoming an increasingly attractive country on the map of advanced technology industries, especially IT, telecommunications, biotechnology, nanotechnology and robotics. The number of global concerns locating their Research &Development centers in Poland is on rise.
The market for this type of services in our country is already worth over 4 billion PLN and increases its value by up to 15% per year, and employment in this sector is higher, for example, than in mining. Over 170,000 people work in outsourcing. people, mainly employed in large business centers, of which over a thousand are already operating in Poland.
Our country is among the top ten countries in the world for outsourcing IT services – at least from the perspective of Western European companies. This is according to the “Executive Brief. Outsourcing 2020 “.
The study “Executive Brief. Outsourcing 2020 ”by 7N includes an analysis of 50 countries from around the world in terms of their friendliness and attractiveness for IT outsourcing. The impetus for its creation was the NNT Ltd. 2020 Global Managed Services Report study, which shows that as many as 45% of enterprises – due to the change in operating models caused by the pandemic – intend to outsource more business processes to contractors than to perform them themselves.
For companies interested in transferring some business processes abroad, but to a geographically and culturally close country (nearshoring), Ireland, the Czech Republic and Hungary are the first choice – Poland is just behind them.
What influences the choice of Poland and its positive assessment compared to other countries:
- location in the center of Europe,
- attractive operating costs and developed infrastructure – rated higher than in most European countries,
- fast GDP growth,
- high rankings in terms of investor confidence,
- very good infrastructure facilities,
- intellectual potential,
- relatively high rate of human development, understood as the resultant of national income, education level and life expectancy,
- level of knowledge of the English language,
- presence of the largest IT companies in Poland,
- attractiveness of the country in terms of culture, nature and quality of life,
- strong mathematical traditions.
India remains the world leader, but Poland and Central Europe are gaining due to their location and avoiding a time difference in relation to the rest of Europe. The most important centers in Poland are:
- Warsaw
- Cracow
- Katowice and the entire agglomeration
- Wroclaw
- Gdansk
- Poznan
Factors taken into consideration concernign locaation are:
- The presence of academic centers
- Office space
- IT staff
It is visible that Polish cities specialize in certain industries. Warsaw financial and accounting services; Kraków IT industry, Wroclaw – research and development.
The number of international concerns looking for their locations in Poland is constantly growing, the most important ones are:
- Electrolux,
- Philip Morris,
- Shell,
- France Telecom,
- Alior Bank,
- Capgemini,
- Hewlett-Packard,
- Motorola,
- IBM,
- Saber,
- Google.